Create an Account

Complete the following steps to create an account:

  1. Access the Profile screen. See Navigate the App for more information about how to access the Profile screen.
  2. Step 1
  3. Select Log In or Sign Up.
  4. If you have a Facebook account or an Apple account, you can use those credentials to create an account. Otherwise, select Sign Up to register with your email address.
  5. Step 3
  6. Enter your first name, last name, email address, and a password. Ensure that the password is at least eight characters long and contains the following characters:
    • One uppercase letter
    • One lowercase letter
    • One number
  7. Select the checkbox to indicate that you understand you might need to show identification to enter a venue.
  8. Step 5
  9. Read the Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy. If you agree to the terms, select Create Account.
  10. Access your email inbox and view the email that we sent you. Select Verify Email. A confirmation message is displayed in your browser.
  11. After you have verified your email, in the AXS App, select Continue.
  12. Step 8
  13. Enter your telephone number. Then, select Send Code Via Text to verify your account.
  14. Enter the six-digit code sent to your phone.
  15. Step 10